Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ephesians 6:12

Because we live in a fallen world, we will be going through some storms during our lifetime.
When I'm going through tough times, I find praying and reading scriptures comforts and lifts me up.

I had one of those "down" days yesterday. I woke up feeling miserable - I felt mentally and physically exhausted for no reason. I prayed to the Lord to give me strength for the day. Why was I feeling this way? Why was my endurance low? I had no answers.

Later that day when I shared my feelings with my daughter, she gave me a scripture to meditate on. I was very familiar with the scripture, but I was too busy to apply it to my situation. I was trying to justify and analyze why I was feeling that way. Sometimes as Christians, we take the scriptures for granted or become too involved with daily "stuff" that we forget to turn to them for guidance.

Eph 6:12 "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places".

The Apostle Paul tells us to put on our spiritual armour because our battle in this world is a "spiritual" one. A warfare that is against the trickery and power of the devil, as opposed to a human battle. Even though human beings will certainly play a role in this spiritual warfare, they are being used by these entities for the purposes of accomplishing evil.

Later on I received an encouraging a e-mail from my daughter with a video attachment to lift up my spirit. I just have to remind myself that when I feel doubtful, discouraged and down, all I have to do is read His Word and look around to see His presence through His beautiful and majestic creation.
So the point I am trying to make is that the Lord never said we will have a smooth ride - the storms will come whether we like it or not, but we don't have to go through it all alone because He is with us and He is our strength and shield! God promises us that sorrows may last for the night, but joy will come in the morning!

God said He will never leave us or forsake us. He said to go to Him when we feel weary and heavy laden. He says He is close to the brokenhearted. He holds us in the palm of His hand and comforts us. He gives us His peace that surpasses human understanding.

God is in control of all our situation. When we go to Him with our concerns, He will answer our prayers by using people, scriptures, books, billboards, and even videos to tell us that He still loves us!

God Bless,


joanna :) said...

hi, im ambers friend joanna :) you have an awesome blog. The Lord will use it in great ways. :)

Michael said...

I found your blog while searching, and I read your most recent post. Wow. I really enjoyed it.
I'd love to subscribe to your blog, but because I am new, I don't know how. Is it possible to do so?

For His Glory said...

Hi Joanna,
Thanks for the encouraging words... I used to type my notes and send them to friends and family via e-mail, but Amber talked me into blogging and I'm glad I started. Your blog is great too!
God Bless,

For His Glory said...

Hi Michael,
Glad you like the post... I'm new at this too. As soon as I find out how to subscribe or let others subscribe to mine, I'll let you know. I have not had the chance to check your blog yet due to my crazy work schedule - hopefully I will soon.
God Bless,

Michael said...

Well, I found out how... Go to customize > Add blog element > add bloglist or subscribtion. I have you on my bloglist. ;]