I just wanted to share with you a few key points from Dr. Robert Jeffress' book titled "Hell? Yes!" It's a great book. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down...
As Christians, we need to remind ourselves each and every day how to please the Lord with what we say and what we do. Actions talk louder than words. However, we can only accomplish that through a "Christ-like" unconditional love.
If we bear the name "CHRISTians", then whatever we say or do needs to "reflect" the love of Christ and needs to bring glory to God. We need to get involved, we need to become good listeners and not just talkers who interrupt people to prove a point in arrogance, and to recognize what is important and what is not for the Kingdom of God. Wherever we are we can win people by what we say and what we do if we follow Jesus' teachings, otherwise we will turn people off.
Dr. Robert Jeffress in his book quotes what Gandhi had said "I might be persuaded to become a Christian... if I ever met one". That's so sad! We can do better than that!
So let our every thought and action be pure based on "Christ-like" love instead of judgment, criticism, arrogance and self-righteousness so that Christ is reflected through us.
Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
God Bless,
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